ST ONLINE: 25 JULY 2008:

L A T E S T   S T   P R I N T   R E L E A S E S :

by Mike Philbin
Publisher: Silverthought Press

ISBN-10: 0-9815191-3-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-9815191-3-5

172 pages

paperback: $13.99 $14.99 + S/H

details | read excerpt | discuss

by Mike Philbin
Publisher: Silverthought Press

ISBN-10: 0-9815191-4-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-9815191-4-2

172 pages

paperback: $13.99 $14.99 + S/H

details | read excerpt | discuss

N O N - F I C T I O N :

Two Interviews with Mike Philbin
by Mark R. Brand and Andy Laughton
read | discuss

Justin Oldham on "Talk of the Rock"
interview by Casey Kelly, KMXT 100.1 FM, Kodiak, AK
KMXT | download mp3 (26 minutes, 12.7 mb) | discuss



"E A T  M E"  C A N N I B A L I S M   F I C T I O N   C O N T E S T  W I N N E R S:


S E R I A L   F I C T I O N :

by Kimberly Raiser

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S H O R T   F I C T I O N :

by Gregory Adams
Something is wrong on the Lemmon farm—and it's not staying there.
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by Kay Calkins
A woman journeys to find her heart's desire, Annora, her family.

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by Dudgeon
A shaman should never mess with a dreamwalker under any circumstances, but especially when he has had a bad day...
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by Thomas Henry Dylan
In the second installment of the Out of Nothing trilogy, Gareth McCall is given an offer that he cannot refuse.
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by Robert Lewis
As humanity hurls past the singularity point, one metahuman transcends space and time in a race for his life, only to discover the phenomenal impact of his actions.
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C O M I N G   S O O N :

  • ST Print: The Department of Off World Affairs by Russell Lutz
  • ST Contests: new contest announcement

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