The Silverthought Archive contains over 500 works of fiction including short stories, flash fiction, novellas and novel excerpts. The full archive list is presented below. To find a specific piece, use the search function or browse by author surname.

If you previously submitted material to Silverthought and would now like the work removed from the archive, please contact Paul Hughes and the piece will be promptly deleted.


-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Gregory Adams:

Not Your Grandmother’s Murders
The Most Haunted House in New York State
Replenish the Earth, and Subdue It - READERS' CHOICE 25 July 2008

Big, Big Burger

Vasilis Afxentiou:

The Crave [review 01]

Patrick Anderson Jr.:

Helter Skelter

Lauren August:

Crackers: 01.11.2

Katrina Autem:

The Master's Menu - Winner, "Eat Me" contest


Jeff Baker:

Darwin's God
Jack in the Box

David Bastin:

The Glass Islands of the Okavango

David J. Batista:

Khan Tengri

John Birge:

Profit [review 01]
An Introductory Essay Concerning the Nature and Intent of Travellers
Teh time The Robotz Conquered It's H8

Joshua Blanc:

The Culgorney Devil And Its Pursuer
Time Peeler [review 01]
Things Remember
The Seeing Staircase

Charlie Bookout:

One Sixth Gravity of the Heart

Luke Boyd:

Noise - READERS' CHOICE, 19 February 2007 (tie)

Tony Bradshaw:

Paradox [review 01]

Mark Brand: [Featured Author, August 2007]

Cameron's Encyclopedia
The Loupe
The Cabana
I Am the Savior
The Feed Dog Mechanism
Catabasis and Nepenthe - Winner, Silverthought "Swing Your Genre" Contest
Narcoleptica - READERS' CHOICE 14 July 2007

Human Resources: 3.2.7-9

Human Resources: Part Two.
Human Resources: Part One.

Reconceptualizing the Revolutionary in 21st Century Speculative Fiction

novel excerpt:
Red Ivy Afternoon: The New Neighbor

The Damnation of Memory

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Red Ivy Afternoon [review 01]

Liam Brennan:

The Silent Inmate
United We Stood

Bryan Brown:

Poseidon's Million Crowns

DJ Burnham:

One True Path
Anthropomorphs [review 01]
Sound the Alarm [review 01]
The Lighthouse Keeper
Mortal Coil
A Growing Collection
February 29th [review 01]
Under a Verdant Carpet [review 01]
Capsule 1 - READERS' CHOICE, 19 February 2007 (tie)
Tree of Ubiquikin
The Shard of Gahzbrid
Keeping Score

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology


Kay Calkins:

Winter's End

Tara Campbell:

The Bar Exam

Andrew Capone:

Fallen Angel

Bryan Carrigan:

According To Plan

Larry Centor:

Ben and Carla [review 01]
Ben in Paris [review 01]

Gayla Chaney:

A Pawnshop Full of Rainbows [review 01]
Caught in the Windsong - READERS' CHOICE, 03 April 2007 [review 01]
Return to the Windsong
The Wait - Winner, ST Get Your War On contest
SIMOOM IN THE WINDOW - Winner, Tone Challenge
The Adapters
Around the Campfire

Alex Clark:

The Music Box
Goodbye Tomorrow [review 01]
The Terror at the Two Necks [review 01]
With Malice They Came

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Brittany R. Clark:

Making My Way in the World Today, 29 February 2008

Elena Clark:

An Allusion of Art
Introducing Inspector Flowers
The Morning After
The Devil's Dig

Notes on Offworld Agriculture, Part 1
Notes on Offworld Agriculture, Part 2
Notes on Offworld Agriculture, Part 3
Notes on Offworld Agriculture, Part 4

Raederle Clay:

Secrets: 01.4.8

Joseph Cohen:

The Farthest Horizon of the Yangtze



Kristina Marie Darling:

novel excerpts:
Things We Lost in the Fire
Beauty Shop

Marcus Day:

Legba's Gifts

Oscar Deadwood: [Featured Author, October 2006]

These Windows to the Soul Are Now Closed [review 01]
The Island of the Ever After
[review 01]
[review 01] [02]
And the Peddlers Never Really Change [review 01]
Affluenza [review 01]
Into the Land of Nothing [review 01]
Saint-Vith [review 01]
This Radio Knows No Shame [review 01]
A Case for Divinity [review 01]
The Omega and the Damned [review 01]
Even the Empty Prayers Are Answered [review 01]
The Son of Someone Else's Son
The Sum of Expectation
The Feast of Love and Joy [review 01]
The Boy Who Will Never and Always Shine [review 01]
The Vinyl Crusade [review 01]
Stains [review 01]
Misfortune's Parade [review 01]
It is the Destiny of a Tainted Mind
A Handful of Memories
Incantations [review 01]
The Voice of Means and Mortality [review 01]
The Rise and Fall of Electric Love
We May or May Not be Around Anymore
The Human Things [review 01]
The Right and the Proper
The Machinery of Faith

novel excerpts:
The Perfect Revolution: March 11
The Perfect Revolution: March 19
The Perfect Revolution: April 27
The Perfect Revolution: May 15

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

The Perfect Revolution [review 01]

Ken Dean:

Direct Line

The Quickest Way
The Intelligent Master [review 01]
Tattoo Ink
Julie and the View [review 01]
Temple Blues
Virus - Virii
Friend and Benefactor
Seeing Michael
Full Circle
Honor Up

novel excerpt:
Beginnings of Good Fortune

Dan Devine:

Life, Unsupplemented
Amnesia - READERS' CHOICE, 15 June 2007 (tie)
Desert Magic - READERS' CHOICE, 20 September 2008



The Preacher
Coming of Age in Manahatten
The Book of New Man


Ahmed Eladway:

Surprise party [review 01]

Eric Ellert:

Am I So Abominable?
The Lilac Genie

S. Blake Ervin:

Aldrin's Waltz

C.R. Esaryk:

For the Plight of Its Children


Allen Finn:

A Night at the Opera [review 01]

Alexandra Fresch

Fungal Dreams of Xerxes Sigma

J.M. Frey:

(Back) - READERS' CHOICE 29 February 2008 (tie)



Death Walks Among Us [review 01]
The Old House
The Chair [review 01]
The Drunk
The Great Ridgeway Live Chicken Catching Contest [review 01]
The Vault
Food of the Gods [review 01]
What Happens at the Gluttonlumps Stays at the Gluttonlumps
The Lighter

The Need: Chapter One
The Need: Chapter Two
The Need: Chapter Three
The Need: Chapter Four

Isabelle Ghaneh:

What I Did On My Summer Vacation [review 01]
An Unrewarding Job For An Alien, Please Help [review 01]

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Victor Giannini:

Fortunate Oddity [review 01]
The Dangers Of Smoking

Thank You Death Robot [review 01]
The Monster of Sunset Park
Depend On Your Feet You Can Climb the Highest Mountain [review 01 02]
Sin Corazon READERS' CHOICE, 08 September 2006

Blackhole Pacifica

Word of the Psychic Bug: Chapter One [review 01]
Word of the Psychic Bug: Chapter Two
Word of the Psychic Bug: Chapter Three

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

P.S. Gifford:

The Beast Within [review 01]
Julian's Shadow [review 01]
The House Call [review 01]
Mr. Farnaby’s head [review 01]
Caverns of Blood
The Small Print [review 01]
The Peculiar Account of Gary Hutchins
Level Nine [review 01]
The Cucumber man [review 01]
Wicked intentions
There is a serial killer living next door.
Sid [review 01]
Mr. Barnaby
Reaching Out [review 01]
Head Trip
Confessions of a mad man [review 01]
Things remembered
The Evils of Drink
The Nefarious Plan
The Curious Account of the Castlegregory Banshee
Spring Cleaning [review 01]
Ancient Rituals
Long Memories [review 01]
The Order of the Eldritch Disciples
The Gastronome
All in a Day's Work
The Edification of Arthur Watson
Consider This...
Veraciousness [review 01]
Rekindled Memories
The Plight
The Unwitting Soothsayer
Robbie - Winner, ST Flash Fiction Contest 2.0
Doctor Jenkins Magical Powders
Strong Stomachs

Henrick Glutonlumps:

Helping Hans [review 01]
The Tormenter
Storytellers [review 01]
Computer Chat
Henrick's dark secret
Where am I? [review 01]
Bad hair day
Thorpe's Gizmo [review 01]
The Splotch [review 01]
The Threshold of Reason
The Dentist
The Flawless Murder
The horrible task
Just for you. [review 01]
Oh Those Childhood Games
The Appointment
The Final Appointment [review 01]
The Weight-Busters-Club
An Appointment to Remember
The Dinner Appointment
Appointment with a Particularly Nasty Death Robot [review 01]
The Kiss [review 01]

John C. Goodman:

The Ghost of Denver 8

Michael Gold:

Mars On The Discount Plan
The Carbon Police Are Coming For You
Horror House Detective - READERS' CHOICE 19 August 2007.
Manhattan at 30,000 Feet
Feet of Jelly - READERS' CHOICE 29 February 2008 (tie)
On the Road Rage - READERS' CHOICE 25 June 2008

an interview with Michael Gold by Mark R. Brand

an interview with Michael Gold by Mark R. Brand

novel excerpt:
Horror House Detective

Suicide Sons

Mr. Head: Chapter One

Mr. Head Finds Love

David Grant:

TEASE, Inc. [review 01]
White Christmas [review 01 02]
The Last Breakfast [review 01 02]
Open Door Policy - Winner, ST Flash Fiction Contest
Lucy's Place
Money Shot
A Miracle on Rivington Street
Happy Hour

David S. Grant on "A Story to Tell"
an interview with David S. Grant

novel excerpts:
Corporate Porn: Chapter One
Corporate Porn: Chapter Ten

Blood: The New Red

Corporate Porn [review 01]
Bleach | Blackout


Q&A with David S. Grant, by Andy Laughton

Interview with Olivia Wilder, Blog Talk Radio

Stephen Grassie:

Dirty Bits

Devon Green:

Slightly Used Coffins

James E. Gurley:

Fire God


Roger Haller:

Return to Oz
Black Mac of Pegasi 51
Cat Scratch Fever
Tunnel of Time
Black Mac of Pegasi 51: Jewels
Want Fries with That? - Third Place, "Eat Me" contest

Visitation - Winner, Silverthought "Birth" Contest

R.A. Harris:

Genesis in a Post-mortem Society

Ashley Hibbert:

The hours between day and night 
The Perimeter

Mike Heffernan: [Featured Author, April 2007]

"Cold Deck": a sample chapter from Exposed!

Joseph Hirsch:

The Dreamer and the Windmill
House of Crystal - READERS' CHOICE, 02 February 2009

Chris Hlad:

The Wedding

Kathleen Hood-Haskins:

Dinner with the Family - Second Place, "Eat Me" contest

Paul Hughes:

Diane [review 01 02]
The End
Armory [review 01 02]
And As the Raven Hunger

The Grange: 03.1.11

The Grange: Part Two.

The Grange: Part One.

two interviews with Paul Evan Hughes

novel excerpt:
Broken: Of Splendor, Of Misery

an excerpt from The Mills

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Enemy [review 01 02 03]
An End [review 01 02 03 04 05 06]
Broken [review 01 02 03]

Scott Hughes:

eXhaurio, Inc.



M.R. Jordan

The Color of Sunshine

Heather Juliussen:

A Collection of Papers [review 01]

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology


Danielle Kaheaku:


Georgina Kamsika

Our Fathers' Eyes

Brenda Kezar:

Global Swarming

Nik Klima:

No Longer Them

Jennifer Knighton:

The Speakeasy: 01.3.16-7

DeAnna Knippling

The Business that Must Be Conducted in the Dark

Dan Kopcow:

Catch of the Day - READERS' CHOICE, 04 December 2006 [review 01]
Astronaut Tang
Ride Along with Hùmres
Harold Doesn't Date Anymore

Revenant - Honorable Mention, Silverthought Sparkly Vampire Jamboree Contest

D. Krause:

Ghost Woods
Inherit the Earth


David LaBounty:

The Gods' Sleep

an interview with David LaBounty by Becci Noblit Goodall

novel excerpt:

moon chalk

Anders Laughton:

Though I Know We Be But Dust [review 01]
Bitch [review 01]


Witness: 01.9.5

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Robert Laughlin:

Nuclear Family

Robert Lewis:

Coming Home

Tim Lieder:

Everything is Dark

Stephen Livingstone

EDEN's Apple

Rob Loughran:

Future Fucked [review 01 02]
Old Gardens; Old Toys - READERS' CHOICE, 28 October 2006

novel excerpt:
Teenaged Pussies From Outer Space: Part I: Contact Is Not Just a Cold and Allergy Medicine

Russell Lutz: [Featured Author, December 2006]

Athens 3004
Two and a Half
The Hill
Heliopause [review 01]
Olympic Cold Storage [review 01]
Life in the Year Two Thousand
Junior - READERS' CHOICE, 15 June 2007 (tie)

Night Trial - Winner, Silverthought Sparkly Vampire Jamboree Contest

Under the Radar

Reconceptualizing the Revolutionary in 21st Century Speculative Fiction
The Challenge of Tone

novel excerpts:
Iota Cycle: Landing

Iota Cycle:
Spring [review 01]
The Department of Off World Affairs: Heliopause
The Department of Off World Affairs: Junior

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Iota Cycle [review 01]
The Department of Off World Affairs

Two Interviews with Russell Lutz by Mark R. Brand and Scott Lyerly

Scott Lyerly:

Fishbowl [review 01]
The Miracle
Change [review 01]
The Code Junkie [review 01]

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology


Paul Mannering:

The Autopsy - READERS' CHOICE, 19 October 2007

Dawn Marshallsay:


Sasha Janel McBrayer:


David McAodha:

Hot Tin

Ken McConnell:

I Tyrmian - READERS' CHOICE, 15 June 2007 (tie)

Peggy McFarland

Charlie Makes His Way - Honorable Mention, Silverthought Sparkly Vampire Jamboree Contest

Daniel McVey:

Origin: 01.5.

Bruce Memblatt:

Remedy for a Stuntman

V. Moody:

The High Cost of Wishing

Isaiyan Morrison:

Gut Moaning [review 01]
Stay Within the Lines

Andrew Murphy:

The Trials of Time Travel
Peeking in on Schrodinger's cat [review 01]
The march of the insects.
In My Dreams I'm You
"The Fable of Luck - Amendments.doc" or "Milos Shizz": Winner, ST Comedy Writing Contest


Christian Nevers:

The Confessor


Justin Oldham:

Bibix Unchained
Live and Direct - READERS' CHOICE, 01 May 2008
Twilight 2014

novel excerpt:
Tales from the Kodiak Starport

Q&A with Justin Oldham by Russell Lutz
interview with KMXT 100.1 FM, Kodiak, Alaska
Justin Oldham on "Talk of the Rock"


Regan T. M. Pazuzu:

The Institute

Steven L. Peck:

How the Mother of Vampiro Rojo de Santanas Died at the Hand of the Ethicless Thing

Mike Philbin:

The Capturing Kind

novel excerpts:
Planet of the Owls

Two interviews with Mike Philbin by Mark R. Brand and Andy Laughton

Tom Piantanida:

Super Bee

Samuel Piccone:

Consultation with Torch



Carl Rafala:

Red Dreams [review 01]
Dark Continent
Deep Grooves

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

an interview with Carl Rafala

Kimberly Raiser:

Stranded on Infinite [review 01] [02]
One Minute
Man upon a rock READERS' CHOICE, 18 August 2006
Truth or Consequences a steel trap
Carnage Incarnate
Felonious Fruit
Simple Rules for the Proper Execution of a Suicide (no pun intended)
Pits of Antholon
A Dream Numeric
Masterpiece Dinner

Invasion Prologue
Astral Plains, Chapter 1

Astral Plains, Chapter 2
Astral Plains, Chapter 3

Lucretia Randle:

The Anniversary Gift [review 01]

Philip Reyth:

My own Prison [review 01]
Cyber Haiku

Edward A. Rodosek:

The Stage Between [review 01]

J. Rohr:


Peter J. Rosado:

In Between the Lies [review 01]
I Keep the Gates
The Man on the Road
The Last Waltz
Annabelle's Showtime

Jens Rushing:

Principia Anthropologia - READERS' CHOICE, 25 May 2007


Shronda S.:

The Book
Interview with a Killer [review 01]
Cat Killer [review 01]
Cocktail delight
The Trekker

Lawrence Santoro:

novel excerpt:
Drink for the Thirst to Come

Jim Schicatano:

Transmission Received

Michael Simon:


Faye Sizemore:

Turn It Down [review 01]
Solution From Walmart
The House On Ivy Street [review 01]
Home and Hearth
Familiar Voices
And Then There Were None.. [review 01]
What Color Is Nothing [review 01]
Government For The People [review 01]
The House
Two Heads Are Better Than One [review 01]
The Importance Of Timing
Side Dish
The Plateye Twin [review01]
The Red Rain [review 01 02]
The Awakening
The Scent Of Flowers
He And SHE
The Haunting Of Lucretia
The Gates of Cleamore [review 01]
Jonesy's War
Night Warrior
Number Thirteen

Daniel C. Smith:

In Jupiter's Shadow
Jupiter’s Children, Part I

Jupiter's Children, Part II

Ian Smith:

Zoom Products [review 01]
Happy Bunnies
Live Technician

Shona Snowden:

Puppy Love

William Spear:

Dead Men Don't Party

Kevin Spiess:

Red Blues

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Gary Starta:

Alzabreah's Garden
Growing Pains [review 01 02]
Ripple In The Pond

Nicholas Stekas:


Max Strange:

Friends For Life
Backdoor to Mars

Philip Suggars

Boys Keep Swinging


Chris Thompson:

Diamond Dogs:
The Mannequin Men: Diamond Dogs Prologue

Raymond Towers:

Coffee and Credits

Jack St. John-Turner:

Outsource: 01.10.3



Joe Vadalma:

A Death on Mars

Joel Van Valen:

A Parlor Tale
Ghosts of Alun Seritz

Norm Vigeant:

A Better Mousetrap [review 01]


Lloyd Wagoner:


Rhian Waller:


Curtis Waugh:

The Thing in the Corner

James I. Wasserman:

The Expiring Man 

Silverthought Ignition: a speculative fiction anthology

Pavelle Wesser:


Steve Wilkins:

The Adventures Of A Dead Duck
A Match Made In Hell

Told You So
[review 01]
A Sense Of Human

Thread Bear

Operation "Welcome Mat"
Wish You Were Here


The Red Planet
Earth's Sister Margarette:Edition II: Complete Control



A.R. Yngve:

The Battery Vanishes




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